Injury Recovery: How To Best Help Yourself Heal

injury recovery

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Injury recovery isn't something you want to mess around with. You want to know the best things you can do to help yourself get back to fitness safely, here are our tips.

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Nothing is worse than an injury, except possibly the injury recovery. Your body will need time and understanding to recover well, two things we sometimes neglect.

When it comes to something serious or a recurring injury, staying motivated becomes a great challenge.

Injury recovery times will vary depending on the type of injury so it’s important to handle it with care.

knee being tested

When will I be able to train again? Will I be able to play with the same intensity? It is normal for these questions to occupy your mind during the rehabilitation period.

It’s also important to be aware of the high risk posed by a relapse if we ignore medical advice.

There is always something that can be done for sports injury recovery. That’s why it’s important to get professional advice and always look to improve the way you look after yourself.

Strengthening your weak areas after an injury helps to prevent it from repeating. We wrote about this previously in relation to wrist injuries.

Tips To Speed Up Injury Recovery

Quick action in the initial stage of injury will help control inflammation and reduce the loss of muscle tone. It is also important to adopt a positive attitude towards the process of recovery.

Going to a specialist early on is the best thing that can be done in this situation.

While it may cost money for the appointment, you will have peace of mind and speedy treatment as a result.

professional assessment of injury

You can waste a lot of time if you try to self-diagnose, holding up your recovery process even further.

If it is required and recommended by a medical professional, you should also get scans done. This will either be an X-Ray or MRI scan depending on the type of injury it is believed to be. By doing this as soon as possible you will know the exact problem quickly. This is especially important for things like muscle injury recovery since there is a chance of surgery being required..

The Best 4 Step Process In Injury Recovery

R.I.C.E. is an acronym that you may have heard before. Doing the R.I.C.E. method immediately after an injury can help reduce swelling and kick start the healing process sooner. In case you don’t know what it means, here are the 4 key parts of this process.

1. Rest 

Ensure that you do not apply weight to the affected area.

It is important to keep off the injury to prevent further damage and aggravation.

rest is good for your body

If it is something like a groin injury, then try to avoid movements that will cause pain. You may need to use something like crutches to achieve this

2. Ice

Within the first 2 to 3 days make sure that you ice the injury. This is important to stop major swelling in the area. Make sure it doesn’t directly touch you skin, and try to ice for periods of up to 20 minutes for 4-8 times a day.

3. Compression

Using compression bands also help in dealing with swelling, which can slow down the start of the recovery process. It is recommended to keep compression for up to a week depending on the injury. Ensure that it is not tight enough that you cut off any blood flow to the muscles.

4. Elevation

This not only reduces swelling in the area but also bruising which impacts recovery times. Try to use a pillow while lying down, or a chair and desk while you are sitting.

Just make that the injury is in an upright position to reduce the amount of blood flow to the area.

elevation helps your legs

Do this in the first 24 to 48 hours of the injury. If you are not able to see a physio until the next day, then this is the best thing you can do to help the recovery time.

Extra Assistance To Support Healing

Eating habits have a direct effect on our health and well-being. In this case, to promote rapid recovery it will be necessary to add certain foods to our diet such as foods rich in Omega 3.

Omega 3 fatty acids are present in some nuts such as walnuts and also oily fish. It is very important for muscle injury recovery, as research has shown it reduces muscle loss from inactivity.

If you can’t acquire it in foods, then try to look for supplements that you can take that will provide the same effect.

For many injuries that require a long period of limited use, the loss of muscle mass is something that can impact your return to action. Follow proper recovery to avoid re-injury.

Outside of this, eating healthy is something that will also help your body in general as you heal. Making sure you get a good amount of protein and vitamins will help the process, as well as drinking plenty of water. Remember that every little bit counts in the journey back to full fitness.

The Tried and True Basics

You would have heard the basics of sleep and rest are essential in the recovery phase. 

Resting in bed or doing some relaxing activities like reading a book to wind down will improve our quality of sleep. As long as we sleep and rest properly, our damaged muscles and tissues will regenerate more easily.

While your mind isn’t active, your body has a chance to focus on repairing your body from the day before.

Not only can a lack of sleep limit the effectiveness of this repair time, but it may also make you more likely to make mistakes that will set back the healing process.

rest and recovery

While the time generally varies between age groups, it is normally good to aim for around 7 hours of sleep. This will keep you well rested and energised for the next day while getting the maximum repair time benefits. General rest throughout the day also aids relaxation in the muscles that are injured or even muscles that surround and support the injured area.

Optimize your Injury Recovery

Now you know the tips and habits that you can incorporate into your day-to-dayNow is the time to put them into practice! 

  • Use the R.I.C.E. Method immediately
  • Support the healing process with supplements and healthy food
  • Get plenty of sleep and rest, and give yourself the appropriate amount of time

As you see, they are simple to carry out and, in addition, they can yield benefits to your overall health. Use professional advice if you want to ensure you protect yourself against further damage.

Small changes in your routine can go a long way. Remember: the sooner you recover, the sooner you can start playing sports and working out.

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